Mary Magdalene

Mary Magdalene at St. Maximin Cathedral.

My 10 Favorite Books

The Convoluted Universe (Book 3) By Dolores Cannon
Knowledge obtained through hypnotic regression. There are four books in the series, but start with Book 3, which is the best.

The New Revelations Channeled by Neale Donald Walsch
Spiritual philosophy. Question and answer sessions with God.

The Disappearance of the Universe Channeled by Gary Renard
This book is fascinating and controversial. It is the product of two beings from the spiritual plane who appeared to Gary. These beings came to clarify the Course in Miracles. What they have to say is well worth reading.

Anna, Grandmother of Jesus Channeled by Claire Heartsong
An incredible history of Jesus' life and his family. Perhaps the best book of its kind.

Anastasia (The Ringing Cedars Series) by Vladimir Megre
An incredible series of books. I don't know if Anastasia is real, but the material is original and insightful. In fact, the back to nature movement that it is spawning is impacting tens of millions of people. I expect to see many Eco Villages in America in the near future.

Journey of Souls Channeled by Michael Newton
Perhaps the best book ever written on life in the spirit world. If you have any interest on why we're here, this is a must read.

Krishnamurti - Think On These Things by D. Rajagopal (editor)
Spiritual philosophy. Speeches given by Krishnamurti in the 1960s. He was one of the most enlightened beings of the 20th century (my opinion).

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle
A stunning book written by a human. Spiritual material of this depth is usually channeled. Tolle understands the ego as well as anyone alive today.

We The Arcturians Channeled by Norma Milanovich
This book is powerful. Are you interested in what the Arcturians, who live in the 5th Dimension, think about spirituality? Or, why they are here watching us? Trust me, you want to know. Don't miss this one.

The Serpent of Light Channeled by Drunvalo Melchizedek
Do you want to know what 2012 is really all about? This book is for you. I'll give you hint, it is why the Arcturians are here. It's all about a spiritual shift that is about to occur.

The Life You Were Born To Lead by Dan Millman
I was surprised by the depth of this book. It is the best book that I have found that helps one understand oneself. The ancient greeks said to know thyself. This book is very helpful in that aspect.